In the context of the hospitality crisis in Europe, ‘Getting unstuck” arises from a common desire to contribute to the regeneration of the narratives on migration and on the renewal of a plural and inclusive European identity.
Getting unstuck is a two-year project based on the complementary expertise of the partners in the fields of art production, culture and education: two theatres, La Renaissance (France) and Comedia (Germany), the Arts Academy of the Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Innocamp PL (Poland) specialized in pedagogical interests for drama as well as their associate partner in Greece.
The project aims at conceiving and experimenting a theorised model of inclusion of migrants through art. Getting unstuck is not only about producing art works on the topic of migration. It strives for creative process and art-based approaches involving both artists and migrants as codesigners. For this purpose, the overall process will closely associate key persons who work on the topic or share the daily lives of migrants such as researchers and social workers.
Four bodies of artistic works will be produced. Led by local artists commissioned by each partner, it will be based on:
– a musical component, based on experimental music,
– a multi-disciplinary art work production based on the material collected in participating countries on the topic of migration and European identity.
Artistically shaped in four different ways, this common ground reverberates the migration paths as well as the voice of the citizens of the hosting countries. Reinforced by the digital disposal connecting all local groups, the shared material feeds four inclusive and connected art works locally performed with a huge sense of sharing and doing together.
By means of digital mediums, the art works and model generated are intended to be disseminated to the cultural sector and beyond, in the participating countries and abroad.
LA RENAISSANCE, Mondeville – France
Located near Caen in Normandy, La Renaissance is multidisciplinary venue.
From September to May, La Renaissance offers around 40 performances of theatre, music, dance, circus and street arts.
The season develops around three thematic cycles:
– Taking place in fall with a two month focus, “SuperMonde !” features productions from other countries in the world.
– In May, the festival “Les Plateaux Ephémères” targets street arts.
– In January, “À partir du Réel” is a performing art festival mainly dedicated to theatre in the field of documentary theatre dealing with current political and social issues (migration, struggles, detention, ecology…).
La Renaissance develops an audience development strategy on the territory.
The final performance of Getting Unstuck in France will take place in January 2022: the stage direction will be done by Amélie Clément from Le Ballon Vert, the musical direction by Clément Lebrun, accompanied by musicians of his ensemble OMEDOC. Musicians of the Orchestre Régional de Normandie will participate.
Turku – Finland
Turku University of Applied Sciences is a multi-branch educational community of some 9000 students and 750 experts. The Arts Academy at TUAS provides wide range of Bachelor of Arts programs in the field of arts and media: Fine Arts, Journalism, Media Arts, Music and Performing Arts.
The Arts Academy at TUAS is highly respected education provider and has a significant role in both Finnish and international art fields. The teachers of Arts Academy are acknowledged artists who actively contribute to local and international art and also create their own art on the side of their teaching and projects. Teachers of Arts Academy are also internationally experienced professionals.
International projects are a growing part of operations at TUAS. RDI projects enable students to familiarise themselves with their future professional field and engage in multidisciplinary collaboration with project partners.
Köln – Germany
COMEDIA Theater Köln is one of the oldest independent Theatres for young audiences in North Rhine-Westphalia (est. 1974), and since its move (2009) into a former fire station it is the largest one. It is a production house with a strong pool of artistic guests and festival organizers and a central location for the networking of theaters for young audiences.
The focus of COMEDIA Theater’s work is theatre for and with young audiences. Each season COMEDIA produces up to 8 new performances. We produce theatre that is meant to entertain, inform and inspire. The repertory consists of research projects, contemporary plays, adaptations and dance plays for children. This kind of theatre strives to provoke questions and discussions rather than give conclusive answers.
COMEDIA Theater is an institution of cultural education for Children and Young People. All productions are accompanied by an extensive program of introductions, discussions, play or experiment for young audiences.
Gdansk – Poland
Innocamp PL’s mission is to identify, nurture and connect young talents to constructive eco-system. The company supports young people as well as their educators through Innovation Pedagogy methods such as design thinking workshops, innovation camps, project/research hatcheries, mantle of the expert, Forum Theatre, etc. where ideas are generated, tested and co-designed to offer innovation solutions.
The company offers audits and staff training for education and business organizations seeking innovation culture it also specializes in measuring social impact of specific actions or institutions as well as in devising systems of validating innovation competencies through interactive e-portfolios. Innocamp PL participates in international projects promoting inclusive education, especcially for migrant children. It is affilated with Ashoka (Innovators for the Public). It work closely with University of Gdansk and Korokovo Theatre.
For any questions regarding the European project, please send an email to
People involved in the project:
Helena De Winter – coordinator of the project
Katell Bidon – director of La Renaissance
Anne-Sophie Bérard– audience development manager at La Renaissance
Mervi Rankila-Källströhm – senior lecturer at TUAS
Kaisa Adair – project manager at TUAS
Manuel Moser – director of the young audiences department at Comedia Theater
Katja Winke – project manager at Comedia Theater
Adam Jagiello-Rusilowski – director of Innocamp PL
Krzysztof Dziwny Gojtowski – director of Korkoro Theater, Poland
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This project was funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be of the information contained therein.
This projet is funded by the Région Normandie, the Conseil Général du Calvados, the DRAC Normandie, the city of Mondeville and the city of Colombelles.